
Prospector Janet

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Sculpture: Isabella Barone
Painting: Albert Cerdà
Material:  Resin
Number of parts of the kit: 9
Scale: 1/10

SKU: FIN00008 Categories: , ,

Janet wanted to be heading back to the module as soon as possible. The preliminary exploration of the caves was going just fine and she wasn’t even tired. Also, as the atmosphere was perfectly breathable, so there was no danger of going low on oxygen, and wandering around with the visor raised was certainly an uncommon pleasure.

No, the only actual problem was the headache. It always happened when she had the song in her head for a long time. “You shouldn’t have told the story to the guys on the ship, now you are screwed for good, just for a cheap laugh”, Janet thought. “Dammit, Janet!” came to her mind and she almost threw the datapad to the near rocks in a burst of rage.

“I was happy with the way things were, Brad… Why did you have to ask me if I wanted to marry you in the middle of a hundred people flash mob? Why that stupid song? Because our names are the same ones of the main characters from that stupid old movie?”, she thought, trying to calm herself down.

She had repeated herself a million times that she left Earth and joined the Space Geology Guild because she loved Geology and wanted to travel. That’s all. Not because she freaked out and wanted to escape the sudden responsibility of a wedding with stupid Brad, no. Today, the usual reasoning sounded just a bit hollow, but it was because she was having one of those days, nothing more.

The radio crackled. Back on the ship, Carlos wanted to know if she had managed to get those readings from the mineral sediments inside the main cave. Carlos was always listening to some Opera at his desk, and the music helped her get the goddam song out of her head for a moment.

“I got all those readings that we couldn’t do with the ship scan. I even managed to collect a few samples”, she said. “That’s just perfect”, Carlos replied, “Oh, J-A-N-E-T I love you so!”. Shit.

Note: This is a resin miniature kit that requires assembly and painting.