do_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop' );
Butler’s Rangers Sergeant, 1779
37.19€ -
Trooper Partisan Lee’s Legion, 1782
37.19€ -
Private, 1st New York Regiment of Continental Line
37.19€ -
Minuteman Concord, 1775
Private, 8th Regiment of Foot Les Cèdres, 1776
41.32€ -
We the People… Continental Standard Bearer, 2nd Rhode Island, 1781
57.85€ -
George Washington, 1796
28.93€ -
Tarleton’s Legion Officer, Charleston, 1780
37.19€ -
Continental Infantryman, 1st Maryland, 1781
37.19€ -
Private, 1st Pennsylvania Regiment Springfield, 1780